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Building Science 2

Project 1 : Auditorium (A Case Study On Acoustic Design)

An auditorium is a special room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performance at venues such as theaters and music halls. For movie theaters, the number of auditoriums is expressed as the number of screens. Auditorium can be found entertainment venues, community halls, and theaters may be used for rehearsal, presentation, performing arts productions. Apart from entertainment, an auditorium also used for a speech delivery such as lecture theaters. A successful design of auditorium muchly depend on its acoustic design which include the auditorium layout plus absorption materials used. It is essential to preserve and enhance the desired sound and to eliminate noise and undesired sound.  

An auditorium is a special room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances at venues such as theatres and music halls. Apart from entertainment, an auditorium also used for a space for speech delivery such as lecture theatres. A successful design of auditoriums very much depends on its acoustic design which includes the auditorium layout plus absorption materials used. It is essential to preserve and enhance the desired sound and to eliminate noise and undesired sound. Therefore, in a group of 8, we are to conduct a case study on Auditorium locally. It is an observe and report case study, where the list of task is stated as below: 

- Drawings of the auditorium (floor layout, significant sections)
- Historical background
- Sound absorption materials used
- Sound source (in the auditorium)
- Sound path (in the auditorium)
- Compile information into a report

Thinking and problem solving skills

Lifelong learning

DIscipline specific knowledge

Citizenship and global pespectives


Project 2: Integration Project (Lighting)

This project aims to integrate students' understanding of the principles of lighting design in the context their final design project of studio  04/05. it will encompasses on artificial and day lighting systems also will implement the PSALI design strategies.



- A bief site analysis

- Overall floor plan

- Floor plans of Space A & Space B
- Reflected ceiling plans

- Lighting contours
- Types of lamps to be used

- Reflectance on walls, ceilings, floors

- Daylighting calculation

- Lumen method calculation

- Lighting design proposal

Objectives & Learning Outcomes

  • To show understanding of artificial lighting and day-lighting strategies (PSALI) in our final design.

  • To solve design problems in relation to sustainability issues (natural lighting, site analysis).

  • To design spaces incorporating artificial and day-lighting. 

Presentation Boards
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